Wow Astro Calendar Serial Podcast

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  1. Wow Astro Calendar Serial Podcast Download

Engraved in 8 languages on 6 granite slabs weighing 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg) in total are the following 'ten NEW Commandments' for a 'new Age of Reason.' Welcome to the Georgia Guide-Stones: 'Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.' ' - source: pdf of the 'georgia guidestones guidebook,' originally published in March, 1981 by Elberton Granite Finishing Co:: another helpful resource from a legitimate media source: The Georgia Guidestones America's Most Mysterious Monument according to the US census bureau, the global human population in 1979, the year the monuments were erected, was 4,378,565,589 (4.3 billion).

This means that, in the year the Guide-stones were engraved, for the global population to have been reduced to 500,000,000 would have required 3,878,565,589 people to be exterminated. As of today (Sept. 28, 2014), the world population is approximately 7,194,977,000, according to the same source (the US census). This means for the world population to be reduced to the Guide-stone's recommended sum of 500,000,000, it would require the deaths of some 6,694,977,000 people alive now.

In other words, the difference between 1979's world human population and today's is so great that it is even larger itself than the entire world population of people was in 1979. Are the Guide-stone's words wise advice? Or are they etched at the behest of a gang of blood-thirsty, arm-chair war-hawks, carpet-baggers, neo-cons, zionists, whose group hobby is ritual child sacrifice? It seems to me the monument was erected to honor the philosophy of people who are, traditionally speaking, sociopaths at least and psychotic mass murderers at best. The fact it had not been vandalized prior to 2008 is telling as to how 'awe-inspiring' and how 'terrifying' such a monumental philosophical statement is; however the fact it HAS been consistently vandalized SINCE then makes it obvious the sentiment in the populous this philosophy evokes: one of fear and rejection.

I would speculate the FIRST act of vandalism, involving the slogans 'Obama is a Muslim,' 'read this Rockefeller' and other anti-NWO statements less fit for reprinting, and the MOST RECENT act of vandalism, involving the statements 'banish all evil' and 'Isis goddess of love' were done by the same group of people, and this same group MIGHT have had the monument erected to start with. 'In June 1979, an unknown person or persons under the pseudonym R. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure. In 2008, the stones were defaced with polyurethane paint and graffiti with slogans such as 'Death to the new world order'. Wired magazine called the defacement 'the first serious act of vandalism in the Guidestones' history'.

In September 2014 it was reported that a notch carved in 2009 on the English stone had been filled by a brick inscribed '2014'. The newly added brick with '20' and '14' has been removed by authorities. The complete sequence was '8' '16' '20' '14', with 'MM' on the top and 'JAM' on the bottom face.' ' - source: 'The vandalism was reported Sept.

3 by an employee with the Elbert County maintenance department. “There are symbols that we still don’t know what they mean,” Scarborough said. And while the phrases are odd, authorities are not trying to make an interpretation.'

Wow Astro Calendar Serial Podcast

' - source: the use of the monument to harness and redirect currents of emotional energy should be obvious. The series of events proceeded thus: one, they were built (1979), they were first vandalized with 'anti-NWO' graffiti (2008), next a 'notch' was carved in the upper-right corner of the English tablet (2009), then the 'goddess of love' vandalism occurred (Sept. 3, 2014), then the cube was added into the 'notched' area ( Sept. 5, 2014), then the cube was removed (Sept. It SEEMS to me the purpose of this series of events IS, most likely, connected to a ritual of summoning massive amounts of 'dark' emotional energy, then trapping it and destroying its container, with it inside. What REASON for performing such a ritual there might be, on such a scale, I cannot say; I do not know.

It is a safe assumption that the pseudonym 'Robert Christian' was chosen to reflect the 'Christian Rozenkreuntz' who founded the order of the 'Rosy Cross' or 'Rosicrucians.' However, this implies further that his group of affiliates which he claimed to represent, and who may have funded the endeavor collectively, are researchers of esoteric traditions and occultism. Thus, it cannot be excluded from the debate on the Guide-stones' origins that a Free-masonic influence was present as well, as, after all, the monuments have been compared to other astro-archaeological megaliths requiring master craft masonry, such as stonehenge, the Druid worship site. If this is the case, then the history lection from the 13th degree of southern jurisdiction Scottish Rite Freemasonry comes immediately to attention, as it describes the building by Enoch of a monument to be preserved until after the destruction of the world. Georgia Guidestones! Amazing New Details Surface In Suppressed Book, 'The Age of Reason' the book the video narrator is referring to, which references the works of Thomas Paine, is called 'Common Sense Renewed' and was supposedly written by the 'Robert Christian' who designed and funded the erection of the GGS.

Here is a link to this pdf on 4shared: the numbers on the cube are the date: Two days after this date, Robert 'Bob' Christian Hansen supposedly died of undiagnosed 'health complications.' Just something to make you think. Georgia Guide Stone- 2014 stone removal 9/25/14 interesting ritual methodology used to break the cube apart. The guy who chisels it apart and passes out the pieces explains its origins as 'just some idiot put it there.' Nobody really inquires the guy about his identity. They ask him 'you're the guy whose job it is to replace it?' And he says 'it's my job just to keep it clean.'

Also, on a side note: guess who has a cult following in Hollywood, haha: hm. Both the book written by the alleged founder of the GGS and the serial killer with the same name as its author were from Iowa. This COULD explain the '2014' stone addition, but what a WEIRD explanation it would be! Time to take the Folger's Challenge: compare the signature in the e-book by the guy who erected the GGS to the handwriting samples from the letter being auctioned off on '' file this under WTF. So should I share my little theory about 'Robert Christian' actually being 'Robert Christian Hansen' with the FBI in exchange for a look at those mysterious, undecipherable symbols left by 'vandals' on Sept.

3, shortly before the addition of the 2014 cube? I kinda want to. Further research resources: Peace. Jon Gee Tallahassee, Fl, US Sept.

About Us: Serial is a podcast by the creators of This American Life that tells a story in weekly installments. Season One is a crime procedural about Adnan Syed, who has been in prison for 15 years for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. Did he do it? Season Two focuses on Bowe Bergdahl, a U.S.

Army soldier who left his base and was captured by the Taliban. He was later exchanged for 5 Guantanamo Bay detainees.

This subreddit is a place to find information about the podcast and to discuss your theories, predictions and other aspects of the show and case. S-Town is not Season 3 of Serial but is a new 8 episode murder mystery, by the producers of Serial, hosted by Brian Reed. A man named John invited Reed to Alabama. John insisted that there was a cover-up of a murder in his small, rural Alabama town, and wished for Reed to investigate. After many phone calls with John, Reed makes the trek to Alabama.

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Filter Posts. If we are going on what EVERYONE can agree on as 100% true then the only thing would be that Jay claims that Adnan killed Hae and he helped in some capacity to deal with the remains.

Oh and that it was Stephanie's birthday the day of Hae's disappearance (assumed murder). Oh and the timing of the calls to Adnan's phone if not where and who (for incoming calls). Everything else in this case is disputed by some camp or another, including the time of Hae's death and wither Jay did know where the car was. People can agree on more than that. They can probably agree she was strangled. They can probably agree that she wasn't seen alive by anyone who would admit to it after the date in question.

They can agree that she was supposed to, and didn't pick up, her cousin. There's a ton more. Everyone would seem to admit that her and Adnan weren't a thing anymore, that she was seeing Don, that her car was missing for sometime after the date in question.

Wow astro calendar serial podcast online

There's a ton more everyone would agree on. But the stuff people are interested isn't the stuff everyone agrees on, it's the stuff they don't. People don't like controversy in their personal lives but the love it when they are a few steps removed. You're shifting the goalposts here, too, to try to score a point in a debate that doesn't exist. This conversation isn't about Adnan's alibi. It's about whether your fact really is a fact, and it isn't.

Wow Astro Calendar Serial Podcast Download

You do not know and cannot possibly demonstrate that no one saw Hae and Adnan leave together. All that can be said honesty is that no one recalls seeing them leave together. Pragmatically, it means basically the same thing for a defense of Adnan, which is ultimately your point.

But brig accurate matters. You're shifting the goalposts here Correct. To try to score a point Correct. (Successfully, I might add). In a debate that doesn't exist. This conversation isn't about Adnan's alibi. It's about whether your fact really is a fact, and it isn't.

I'm asking what we can 'agree'. As per the OP. We can agree that they cancel each other out if you want. If it is insignificant that no-one told police that they saw Adnan/Hae together after 2.15pm, then it is also insignificant that no-one saw Adnan alone after 2.45pm. Pragmatically, it means basically the same thing for a defense of Adnan, which is ultimately your point. But brig accurate matters.